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  • JCU Set Up Post-doctoral Research Station
  • 2011/11/10
  • Jiangmen Municipal Standing Committee Member Kuang Renshan Came For A Visit
  • 2011/11/10
  • Congratulation JCU Passed 2011 ISO Annual Verification
  • 2011/8/25
  • JCU Promote Cleaner Production
  • 2011/8/25
  • JCU Establishes Harmonious Culture And Constructs Harmonious Corporation
  • 2011/8/22
  • “Resourceful Comprehensive Utilization Corporate Champion of GuangDong Province” Award For JCU Company
  • 2011/8/22

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    Add: Xinmin Industrial Zone, Lile Town, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China.
    Tel: +86-750-3626309 3633189 Fax: +86-750-3626202 Postcode: 529060 Email: jacky.luk@cnjcu.com
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