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JCU Promote Cleaner Production

JCU takes cleaner production as one of the most important projects this yeas in order to reduce production cost and beautify production environment.

Cleaner production is a preventive, company-specific environmental protection initiative. It is intended to minimize waste and emissions and maximize product output.

By analyzing the flow of materials, JCU tries to identify options to minimize waste and emissions out the industrial processes through source reduction strategies. We also try to recycle waste water generation, gaseous emissions, and waste heat.

    We also need everybody in our company to join in. By now, we have collected over 100 suggestions and put 22 better suggestions into use in use of materials to avoid waste.

        We hope that we obtain the economic returns and social benefits by promoting cleaner production.

Add: Xinmin Industrial Zone, Lile Town, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China.
Tel: +86-750-3626309 3633189 Fax: +86-750-3626202 Postcode: 529060 Email: jacky.luk@cnjcu.com
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